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[중국기업분석] 전세계 풍력 발전 1위 신강금풍 1




[Tech] 세계 재생 에너지 비중, Global Renewable Energy   포스팅에서

재생 에너지의 중요성, 확장성을 설명하였고


[Tech] 풍력 발전, Wind power   포스팅에서 풍력 발전 시장의 성장세를 설명함

풍력 발전 1위 신강금풍



신강금풍(Goldwind Technology)은 지속 성장하는 풍력 발전 시장의 1위 기업으로

홍콩, 심천에 상장된 중국 기업임



Hong Kong Stock Exchange 2208

Shenzhen Stock Exchange 002202


<신강금풍 주가, 홍콩시장 기준>

<신강금풍 재무재표 분석>

배당은 안 하고 있음

영업이익률 13.1%

ROA 3.7%

ROE 15.2%

부채비율 200% 넘음 





UBS는 풍력 발전 산업에 점점 더 합병이 일어날 것으로 보고

Goldwind(신강금풍)이 3~5년 내에 M/S가 30%까지 오를 것으로 전망함


<2015년 풍력 발전 시장 점유율>



<IR 자료 기준 Revenue가 매출액, Profit attributable to owners이 당기 순이익>


<구글 파이낸스 기준, Tunrover가 매출액, Net Profit이 당기 순이익>


Goldwind (02208) announced its annual results for 2016, with revenue of RMB26,174 million (the same below), down 12.3% year-on-year and gross profit of 7.55 billion yuan, down 2.8%. Recorded a net profit of 3.030 billion yuan, an increase of 5.4%, earnings per share of 1.08 yuan. 


during the reporting period significantly increased net profit rate from 9.48% to 11.38%.


 <사업부분별 매출 비중>



 Speed ​​up the development of innovative products in 2016 the company fully tap the market demand, to technological innovation as the guide, and constantly enrich the optimization of product lines. 


Through the development, application and promotion of ValuePlus products and solutions platform, the company has promoted the economic value of the project. It focuses on the international market and the domestic low wind speed area, and introduces the world's leading land high capacity model 3.0MW (S) product platform. But also actively promote the 2.0MW, 2.5MW series of R & D work, deep plowing ultra low wind speed, high altitude, high temperature and other market segments; the construction of the largest domestic R & D center to further strengthen the offshore wind power R & D strength and technical reserves, and the smooth development of offshore wind Electric field of the rapid customization of the overall solution. 

The Company has accelerated the penetration of the mature wind power value chain into a more developed value-added space, and introduced the overall solution of wind power life cycle and related innovative products, including EPC overall solution, new steel / flexible wind tower technology, digital operation and maintenance as a whole Solutions, leading the industry digital, intelligent, integrated development trend. 

Actively develop new business in China to speed up the pace of reform of the electricity market system, and actively implement the 'Internet +' action plan in the background, the company actively in the new energy, new materials, energy saving, green technology and other areas to carry out innovative exploration, Sustainable development into new force. 

During the reporting period, the company's water treatment business developed rapidly, innovative use of intelligent water management model, to achieve Internet of things + basic application + intelligent application of the organic combination; and the introduction of the world's leading 3D printing technology, in the country launched efficient water projects Develop a solution. 


In 2016 the company continued to lead the Chinese smart micro-grid technology innovation, the company designed and developed Anhui Wuwei wisdom energy demonstration project selected the first batch of national 'Internet' Intelligent Energy (Energy Internet) Demonstration Project. 


Accelerate the internationalization strategy In 2016 the company successfully acquired the United States Texas Rattlesnake wind power project, the total capacity of the project reached 160MW, will be built after the Golden Wind Technology in the United States the largest wind farm; total capacity of 175MW Australian Whitehead wind power project is also a smooth start, Responsible for the project EPC and unit supply. 


The company continued to practice the 'all the way' national strategy, achieved a breakthrough in Pakistan, with the history of high temperature unit project outstanding performance, gains a series of local high temperature wind power project orders; company in Thailand, the first flexible tower batch project is also smooth Network, innovative technology and quality products are highly recognized by the owners. The company also in the South American market and then the next city, access to Chile project capacity 80MW unit orders. 

 As of December 31, 2016, Goldwind's global wind power installed capacity of more than 38GW, installed more than 25,800 units, equivalent to the annual savings of about 26.96 million tons of standard coal, reducing carbon dioxide emissions of about 77.79 million tons, equivalent to Recycling about 42.51 million cubic meters of forest. 

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